New York and New Jersey Tours and Experiences

Explore the area with a journalist as your guide

Who I Am and What I Do

I'm Arun and New York on Foot is my one-person tour and travel information company.

I help you discover New York and New Jersey's history, nature, food, drink, and culture via neighborhoods, parks, and trails.

I do this as both a tour guide and a journalist.

I’m a licensed New York City sightseeing guide and a certified running coach. As a journalist, I have more than 25 years of experience telling stories about New York and New Jersey.

I have walked and hiked in dozens of parks, bar-crawled around unfamiliar neighborhoods, and run races in all five boroughs of New York City, upstate New York, and New Jersey.

I work with tour companies, travelers, brands, and publishers.

Reach out to me through the contact form below; I hope you will join me on this journey!

Contact Me